Saturday, April 29, 2006

Finally Finally!

it's been more than a month... I've finally revived my blog from the dust... just like Fawkes... haahaa. Exams are finally over... lardidarr... and now it's time for TAEHAN MIN-GOOK!!! taee-haaann miinn-gooook!!! yay!!! pardon me.. ahem... too esctatic already... in just two months or so... it's bye bye singapore... hello korea...=)

yup. now's the time for looking for a job to earn money for Japan too.. and then it's off to korean lang class... and then it's off to learn autocad 2d... and then it's to clear my poor ill-treated laptop.. lots to do in less than 3 months... yeah well.. but now it's time to sleep sleep and sleep off the exam trauma... went for haircut today... I like it but dang it needs maintenance... sigh... kimage again. i shall stick to Jiwon from now on... hiaz haiz...

yawn... looking forward to meeting up... CT gang...=) hugz!