Saturday, May 20, 2006

SDE DnD... 1 week ago...

okie.. wanted to post this.. but only just got hold of the pic..

yep... that's the aki table and it was the ONLY aki table.. yea well.. and we were there mainly cos of free tix... ended up with free tix, free dinner and i won 5th prize in the lucky draw! whoopee... 85 bucks worth of nivea products... though most of them are guys' products.. argh. but i never win lucky draw one kind can... haahaa.

Yea, been busy these days setting up the HanyangEX website... for the hanyang exchange.. here's the address... HanyangEX... check it out if you want... i'm quite happy with it though there's nothing much posted yet...

we're down to 18 people.. hopefully pple won't suddenly say not going anymore... yikes. it's slightly 2 months more before I leave... while I'm quite raring to go... I'm still a little apprehensive about being away from home for so long. I've just realised that there seems to be a lot more to do than there is time left... there's that traffic survey job next week.. of which i'm totally clueless about.. tsktsk... and outings to plan.. trying to figure out what to do with the 10 days in Korea.. and autocad to learn.. argh. That last one is definitely the bummer. I hope that publishing company really replies me with something to do otherwise the money for Japan will have to drop from the sky...=(

Anyway, CT gang... settlers' is on next thursdays nite.. ladies night.. whoopee. 7pm.. von dear, don't be late..=) rofl. I'll make the reservations soon.. Now i've got to get back to finishing the photoshop job. haiz. this is going to be a long night. cheers~


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